President Trump Speaks for Life
Patrick Semansky through The Associated Press
President Donald Trump speaks to the crowd gathered at the rally before the March for Life.
On Friday, January 24, President Donald Trump gave a historic speech at the rally before the 2020 March for Life. As the first U.S. president to speak at the march, he called on all to protect the sanctity of life.
Excitement filled the air on Friday morning, and it was so crowded that thousands could not even make it through the security checkpoint for the rally. Some even resorted to sitting on others’ shoulders to get a glimpse of the action.
When the March for Life occurs every year, media outlets tend to quickly glance over the enormous, impactful event in favor of opposing or different marches; however, the highest-ranking official of the United States speaking live shattered that normalcy.
“I personally do not get into politics if I do not have to, but it is outstanding that we have the leader of our country fighting for life… He has the power to make the changes; we are just small aspects as individuals who can make a difference. With the President backing us up, who knows what will happen next. He grabs the attention of everyone, hopefully shining a light on how awful abortion is to people who do not see that,” junior Elli Hagan said.
At the beginning of his speech, President Trump reiterated the reason why all 100,000 people were gathered by Capital Hill.
“We cannot know what our citizens yet unborn will achieve. The dreams they will imagine. The masterpieces they will create. The discoveries they will make. But we know this: every life brings love into this world. Every child brings joy to a family. Every person is worth protecting. And above all, we know that every human soul is divine and every human life, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of Almighty God,” President Trump said.
President Trump also praised the majority of the marchers for standing up for their beliefs and actively working to create change at such a young age.
“Young people are the heart of the March for Life. And it’s your generation that is making America the pro-family, pro-life nation,” President Trump said.
Hundreds of our own St. Dominic students made the 16-hour trek to Washington, D.C. to march for life. The solidarity they felt at the rally was unimaginable.
“The atmosphere was awesome. Everyone was cheering, and you could tell that everybody enjoyed being there together and standing up for those who can’t protect themselves. We were all there for the same reason, and that’s what made the march and rally even more special,” senior Briana Pulliam said.
President Trump’s words left an impression on many, and that was the case with senior Clay North.
“What really stood out to me was when he stated that in the fight for the unborn,‘We are winning, we will win.’ It has stuck with me since,” North said.
Trump and North are not the only ones who believe that the pro-life movement is on the rise.
“It feels like we are at a turning point in the pro-life world. We seem to be gaining momentum and taking positive cultural and legislative action throughout our country. Let’s hope the momentum continues until Roe v. Wade is overturned,” campus minister and religion teacher Mr. Andrew Struttmann said.
Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with President Trump on other topics, you cannot argue that he didn’t bring together people all around the nation to show that abortion should be illegal. Join him and the hundreds of thousands of others in the fight against abortion!

Alyssa Buchheit is a senior here at St. Dominic. She is involved in soccer, book club, National Honor Society, ambassadors and many other clubs. Outside...