Welcome to My House
Excitement begins to grow as the house reveal quickly approaches
With the start of the new semester, this year’s new St. Dominic house system is almost in full swing. As the house reveal approaches, students are more than excited to find out which house they will be a part of.
During the first semester, the student body and teachers were able to get a glimpse of what the house system is all about. Each student was placed in a “family” with around 25 other students from all grades and one to two teacher leaders. Many families have seen positive results.
“Our students have really embraced the idea of being a family. It makes it so easy to have that safe space. We have upperclassmen who have nicknames for our freshman, and you can see everyone is happy to be there,” college counselor Mrs. Katie Dodge said.
“I like family time because I’ve gotten to make new friends and learn new things from my family time teacher. We’re comfortable with each other and are able to joke around,” sophomore Paige Deeken said.
“We’re a group of individuals that were placed together and became close. We’ve learned a lot about each other through the games we’ve played and presentations we’ve done,” senior Tyler Jurgensmeyer said.
Seniors have been able to take a large leadership role within their families. Many seniors are in steering committees, where they plan the infrastructure of each house. 12 seniors were selected to be Head of Houses. These six girl/boy pairs will each be the main leaders of each of the six new houses. They are currently planning to execute the house reveal this spring.
“I have seen a lot of positive leadership and a lot of positive energy come out of family time. People want to make this a legacy,” library media specialist Mrs. Nikki Playle said.
Although much of what the house system will be like is shrouded in secrecy, a big hint recently dropped: A bulletin board in the main hallway reading “Where Do You Fit?” was put up. The board has the backgrounds of six different colored shields where small pieces of the house crests will slowly be added.
Many people have predictions of what they think the house system will look like.
“I think it’s going to be like Harry Potter. We’ll be able to have separate families and colors for each house, but we will still come together like they did at Hogwarts,” junior Kate Ryan said.
“The house system will create a lot of family dynamic with people of all grades growing closer. And not only will it create family dynamic, but school spirit. It will cause people to really get involved and competitive,” senior Cati Welby said.
As February 20, the official house reveal day, starts to approach, be on the lookout for more clues that might be dropped in the next few weeks.

Christian is a senior here at St. Dominic. He is the secretary of the Ambassadors Program and involved in National Honors Society, Peer Ministry and Pro-Life...