STUCO Success

Morgan Hakenwerth, Derek Rothermich, Victoria Leutkemeyer, Julia Allen

This year, St. Dominic’s student council has taken on a bigger role in the school. With the formation of class cabinets, they’ve been able to take on larger projects and gain more student input on events.

Student Council kicked off the 2014-2015 school year with the “Welcome Back” assembly. After class cabinets were selected, they tackled homecoming, which, up until this year, had been coordinated by Pep Infusion. Student Council had to decide on a theme, decorations, music, etc. for the dance. According to Ms. Thomas, the head of Pep Infusion in previous years, homecoming setup was more efficient this year due to the abundance of members from each cabinet to help out.

Next, Student Council initiated a new project at St. Dominic: a day to support Children for Hair Loss, an organization that collects donated hair to create wigs for children who have lost their own. They held an assembly for all female students to promote the idea, and by hair-cutting day, 125 students had pledged to give.

“It was neat, because some of the girls that said they would never do it actually would be talking about it and their friends would be like ‘Well, I’m gonna do it; why don’t you do it?’ which made it a conversation in a lot of classes,” said Ms. Thomas.

Sophomore Sarah Hacker donates her hair.

Local hair dressers volunteered to perform the enormous task of measuring and cutting the hair. After they donated, the girls received a little pink bow to thank and recognize them for their sacrifice. Each was required to give only 8 inches of their hair, but several gave even more, resulting in a total of nearly 85 feet of hair.

Shortly after St. Dominic returned from Christmas break, Student Council threw this year’s Winter Formal, which sported a Great Gatsby theme. The officers put the playlist for the dance together themselves, which lowered the cost of tickets and made the evening even more unique.

The most recent event Student Council organized was the second annual blood drive. Just like last year, the drive was an enormous success, and St. Dominic exceeded its goal once again. This year, 105 students and faculty members were able to give. By the end of the day, members of the St. Dominic community had collectively donated a total of 75 units of blood. Members of Student Council and other volunteers ran the entire event, doing everything from registering donors to fetching students from their classes to give.

With their bright ideas and dedication to making St. Dominic reach its full potential, the members of Student Council are shaping the future of our school. Thanks to their efforts, St. Dominic is helping to change lives.