Reading Day to the Rescue
Finals can be stressful but reading day can help lighten the load!
It’s the most wonderful stressful time of the year! Finals are almost upon us, and with our minds moving in a million different directions this time of the year, studying can get a little confusing.
If you can relate to this crazy state, you’re in luck because Reading Day is here!
Reading Day is a special day for students to visit with teachers, ask questions and have study sessions in preparation for their finals. It lasts from 8 to 3, and students are free to come and go as they wish. If you only have a few questions, you do not have to stay the whole time and can even come in late! No matter what time you come to or leave Reading Day, make sure you sign in and out at the lobby.
To make the day even better, you get to dress down! Why not take advantage of a laidback day to finalize your preparations for exams?
Having the ability to meet with teachers and clearing up any topics that were a little confusing is immensely helpful. Personally, Reading Day releases stress for finals and makes me feel more prepared.
If you are interested or planning to attend Reading Day this semester, it will be on Tuesday, December 17.
For the teachers’ Reading Day schedules, make sure you check out the recent email from Mrs. Stewart on your St. Dominic email!

Elizabeth Petruso is a senior here at St. Dominic High School. Elizabeth is the President of Student Council and a varsity cheerleader. She is extremely...