Untraditional Thanksgiving


Move over Thanksgiving turkey… because it’s time for some barbecue!

Thanksgiving is full of iconic foods. From turkey to sweet potato casserole, these delectable dishes cannot be beat… or can they? This year, many people are skipping the classics and going with these nontraditional meals.

Senior Graycen Hollowell’s family celebrates with additional entrées. While turkey still makes an appearance on the dinner table, they eat crab legs and ribs as well. Everything is homemade and has always been a tradition in the Hollowell home.

“It’s just something my family has always done, and my family is very untraditional when it comes to Thanksgiving,” Hollowell said.

Senior Tori Forbeck celebrates differently on her dad’s side. They have spaghetti and fried fish as the main courses and cornbread, green beans and salad as a side. For dessert they enjoy brownies, ice cream and cake instead of pie. The meal began with a want for change.

“This tradition basically started when my grandma decided that she was tired of having basic thanksgiving foods, so for the past few years, we’ve done something different,” Forbeck said.

Sophomore Caroline Cunningham’s family gathers together and eats food from a variety of options: authentic Mexican, take out Chinese food or Farachi’s pizza. These dishes are her family’s favorites, even on Thanksgiving.

“My family was tired of traditional Thanksgiving food so we wanted something new. We decided to mix it up,” Cunningham said.

While traditional Thanksgiving foods may be delicious, consider mixing it up on turkey day by bringing an unconventional dish to your next family or friends gathering.