Delicious And Disgusting Holiday Foods

The temperature is dropping, and the holiday season is on its way. One of the best parts of the holidays are the delectable, warm food that can put you in the cheery spirit; however, not all foods put on your holiday plate will make you want seconds.


Sweet Potatoes

Everyone craves homemade classic side dishes in the fall. My personal favorite food is sweet potatoes, especially when they’re made as a casserole with brown sugar and marshmallows. Sweet potatoes are soft, sweet and perfectly warm. Many agree that the savory side dish trumps all other food during Thanksgiving.


One of the most important main courses for the holidays is turkey. Every family sets the dish in the middle of the table, surrounding the star of the evening with less critical foods. People even label turkey as the most important food to prepare for the season.

“Turkey is the best food because it’s juicy and delicious,” junior Jack Wallis said.

Green Rice

Some don’t know what green rice is, but junior Brody Luetkenhaus swears it is the best food the holidays can offer. The dish is made of white rice, cheese sauce, cream of chicken soup and frozen broccoli.

“Green rice is easily forgotten about, but is my favorite Thanksgiving food because it tastes amazing,” Luetkenhaus said.

Even though the holidays bring joy and happiness, they don’t always bring the best food. Everyone has unique opinions, so obviously not every meal is loved, with some dishes even being despised.


Canned Cranberry Sauce

Canned cranberry sauce is an unpopular food, and that fact is no exception to sophomore Patrick Klassen. To make the sauce, cranberries are boiled in sugar water until the berries pop and the consistency thickens. Many think the side is too bitter and unnecessary, as they believe there are many better sauces that can be added to food.

Fruit Cake

Another food known for its unappealing taste is fruit cake. This cake looks like a loaf of bread but with dried fruit and nuts. When cooked poorly, the dessert can be hard and difficult to eat. Many people think any other desserts taste better than fruit cake.

“I don’t like the taste of fruit cake. It’s too sweet—but not in a good way. It’s also loaded with too much dried fruit,” senior Annie McLoughlin said.

Pumpkin Pie

Many enjoy pumpkin pie, but it is not a love for everyone. Some people simply don’t like pie or the taste of pumpkin. People who think pumpkin pie is gross say the pie can taste mushy and has only one overwhelming flavor.

“I’ve had other desserts, and pumpkin pie doesn’t compare to them. I just don’t like the taste,” sophomore Eric Belarde said.

Some foods are better than others, but they are all fun to make and try with family and friends. Don’t forget to bake and share your favorite treats as the holiday season comes closer!