Freshman Edge

Mrs. McClure and Sveta Wunnenberg.

Freshman Edge, a new program started by Mrs. McClure last winter at St. Dominic, welcomes incoming freshmen for a two-week program to attend science, math and literature study sessions to prepare them for freshman year. Not only does this help them with their school subjects, but with getting to know the school and understanding their new iPads as well. Teachers from the science, math, and English departments work to help tutor the incoming freshmen.

“I feel like the freshmen are more comfortable with the iPad and the building,” said Mrs. McClure. “I do not think it should be required, but I definitely think those who want to do this should.”

This program started when the staff noticed some freshmen needed a head start and parents requested a program like this.

“I think this is a great program; I think it can really help the freshmen be prepared for high school and get them ready and comfortable,” said Mrs. McClure.

Students also agree with Mrs. McClure. Sveta Wunnenberg, a student who participated in this program, really enjoyed it and thought it helped her prepare for her high school experience.

“I made friends that I saw again; I knew how to use Edline, Notability, and eBackpack; and I wasn’t as scared on the first day of high school,” said Wunnenberg.

This program was a success. This will be available to all freshmen in the incoming class of 2019 who would like to attend.