Competitive Choir Takes on Districts
Everyone knows about sports districts, as St. Dominic is home to many district champs, but St. Dominic is also home to many district choir members as well. District choir is a competitive event where many students audition from all over the St. Louis area. The students who are selected after a tough audition process, then create a new choir of the best singers in the area.
This year St. Dominic had ten students audition. Out of those ten, seven made it, the largest number of district choir members that St. Dominic has seen in many years. Those seven are Gia Danhoff, Maria Klassen, Lily McKnight, Luke Juergensmeyer, Charlie Wehde, Liz Petruso and Lydia Melton. Since they have been selected, these students will perform in the Metro District Honor Choir, complete with the best students around.
All ten of these students had to go through a grueling audition process which consisted of multiple parts. Each applicant had to pick out a song and sing it for a group of judges. They then had to be able to identify random key signatures and sight read a completely new song for the judges.
The district choir will have only three rehearsals to put together their concert. In addition, the top 20 students who scored the most audition points out of each vocal part are eligible to audition for all state choir. From St. Dominic, Charlie Wehde, Maria Klassen, Luke Juergensmeyer and Lily McKnight will all be auditioning. In order to audition for state choir, these four students, as well as the other selected auditioners must all learn the same song and each perform it one by one. They will then be scored and the top performers will be taken into the state choir.
We want to congratulate all who auditioned for Metro District Choir and especially those who made it. This is a huge honor and St. Dominic is proud to have seven of our best students representing us. Be sure to come out and support our singers at their concert on November 16.

Darby Duncan is a senior here at St. Dominic. She is involved in CRU, pro-life club, chamber choir and theater. She is also involved in softball, lacrosse...