Where is the Love?

Two weeks ago, on October 6, 2019, Ellen DeGeneres and George Bush were seen sitting together at a Cowboys football game, and the internet did not react well.

This new friendship gained a monumental amount of backlash and disapproval. Since it is well known that these two public figures, Ellen and Mr. Bush, have opposite political views the fact that two could be friends sent the inhabitants of social media into a frenzy.

One could easily talk about the drama that has been created regarding this friendship but the negativity does not deserve anymore attention. What should be brought up about the situation is: why has it become such a big deal?

What is wrong with being friends with someone on the opposite side of the political spectrum? What is wrong with putting your differences aside enough to actually nurture a friendship?

As part of a community at a Catholic high school it would be easy to simply say that our beliefs tell us to love everyone no matter what their background is. Though those beliefs stand strong in this situation one can put religion aside and still argue that the negative feedback that has erupted with the acknowledgement of Ellen and Mr. Bush’s friendship is unnecessary.

Everyone is constantly chasing happiness or wanting world peace. We can start that change by not only refraining from commenting negatively about the newfound friendship but also promoting the positive reactions between the two.

How beautiful that two people still find a way to put aside their differences to be friends and respect each other’s views. Rightly so, everyone deserves an opinion but lately people allow their political views to control too much of their life. Friendships should be established based on the personalities of those involved, not their political views. It is perfectly fine to have cronies with different beliefs.

Congratulations and thank you to Ellen and George Bush for setting an example and taking a chance of going public with their friendship. For those who think their friendship is vile and wrong just ask: where is the love?