Happy Fall Y’all: 2019 Fall Bucket List
Time to bust out your sweaters and scarves, because fall is finally here! Many people love this season because of its excellent weather, fashion and activities. With fall beginning this week, there are so many fun activities to add to your bucket list . Here are 12 enjoyable ideas of things to do in order to enjoy this 2019 fall season.
With the weather getting cooler, especially in the evenings, a bonfire is a fun way to gather a bunch of your friends to hang out. You can spend your cozy night either roasting marshmallows and making s’mores or simply chilling by the fire.
Pumpkin Patch
Visiting a pumpkin patch is a classic fall tradition. It is a great way to spend time with friends and family and enjoy the fall weather.
Pumpkin Carving
Once you have brought home your pumpkin, you have the chance to carve it! There are so many creative ways to carve or decorate your pumpkin. Some may even have a pumpkin carving contest with friends and family to see who has the best one.
Apple Picking
If you aren’t really a pumpkin person, apple picking is an ideal outdoor alternative. Instead of pumpkin carving, you can make a plethora of fall treats with your delicious apples.
Another terrific way to enjoy the fall weather is to go on a hayride. Whether a casual ride or a haunted hayride, hayrides are always a fun activity to get you outside in the fall air.
Scary Movie Night
If you want to get spooked this fall, a scary movie night is a perfect way to achieve that. Invite over some friends, make your favorite fall snacks, grab a blanket and begin the binge watching.
Baking Day
While you stay in for your movie marathon, you can make some delicious fall treats! The smell of baking definitely puts me in the cozy fall mood. You can save these snacks for yourself throughout the beloved season or you can spread some love and send the treats out to neighbors, family, friends and more!
Try Fall Flavored Desserts & Drinks
If you don’t want to make your own desserts, there are plenty of limited edition fall drinks and treats being released. There are the stereotypical pumpkin spiced lattes and frappuccinos, but there are also specialties like the Pumpkin D-Lite at Smoothie King and the Pumpkin Pie Blizzard at Dairy Queen.
Main Street
While out buying fall snacks, take a trip down to Old Main Street in St. Charles. This is a perfect place to buy cute fall outfits or decor. There are also many beautiful places to take pictures.
If you want to get active this fall, hiking is for you. You get the chance to see God’s work in the beauty of creation while you get healthy. There are many ideal hiking trails around, like Klondike Park or the Katy Trail. Check out a trail near you to get your “fall bod” this year.
Taking Polaroid Pictures
No matter what activity you are doing this fall, taking Polaroid pictures is a wonderful way to save memories. There is something special about holding a hard copy of your photo that is unlike anything on your iPhone.
During the season of fall, we should remember to give back and be thankful for what we have. Hosting or attending a Friendsgiving is a superb way to do that! You can gather around a table of delicious food and desserts with your closest friends and recognize your blessings.
This list only begins to include all of the possible ways to cherish the fall season. Get a group of friends or family together and choose your favorite way to get out and enjoy this fall!

Elizabeth Petruso is a senior here at St. Dominic High School. Elizabeth is the President of Student Council and a varsity cheerleader. She is extremely...