Homecoming Proposals 2019

With homecoming coming up, students are preparing for the eventful day, and the hoco proposals are out of this world.

Senior Sam Schilling bought a bar of Hersey’s chocolate and Kit-Kats with a note stuck to the delicious dessert which read “Hoco?” He walked up to senior Sophie Prinsen before school and asked if she dropped something, holding up the candy with the question on the bar.

“I wanted to ask her discretely so she didn’t feel overwhelmed by everyone watching, and I know she likes Hershey’s and Kit-Kats, so I just gave her those,” Schilling said.

Junior Mallory Lorenz decided to spice things up after school with a colorful and vibrant poster for her best friend, junior Maddie Lepp. Both of their boyfriends will be busy on the day of the dance, so the girls wanted to buy each other corsages and be each other’s “dates” for hoco.

“We knew neither of our boyfriends would want us to go with a different guy, so we decided to go together since we’re best friends,” Lepp said.

Sophomore Jacob Moore came up with a magical idea for asking sophomore Olivia Knobbe. After meeting at Freshman Edge, their love for Harry Potter bonded the two. Moore decided to use that similarity to ask her.

“Hedwig is an owl that delivers the characters letters, so I had a stuffed animal Hedwig with a letter asking her to homecoming,” Moore said.

Knobbe’s older sister was in on the plan, and she helped by putting the stuffed owl in her car. Then, at the end of the day, she asked Knobbe to go to the car real quick with the proposal ready.

Lastly, freshman Kevin Huber went the more traditional route by giving freshman Jill Haring flowers and a cookie cake with the words “Hoco?” written in icing.

“I was kind of expecting it because he was going to ask me the previous day after my cheer practice. I still appreciated it, though, and it was super sweet,” Haring said.

These hoco proposals were all fun and unique, and they will be remembered by those involved as a great high school memory. The friends and couples are sure to have a fantastic time at homecoming in their best outfits on the dance floor!