Scott Olsen
As the hurricane months have arrived, Dorian wasted no time in causing destruction.
Dorian hit the Bahamas over Labor Day weekend, taking five lives and causing over 20 injuries. The hurricane didn’t stop there, going on to impact Florida as well. Fortunately for Florida residents, it stayed far enough away to only cause minimal damage. Dorian now has its eye set on the coast of Georgia and the Carolinas, possibly reaching speeds of up to 70 and 80 miles per hour.
Although miles away, Dorian has also impacted the lives of those here. Religion teacher Mrs. Bossert’s daughter and granddaughter were enjoying a vacation in Disney World, but ended up leaving in a worried rush.
“A few days into their vacation, they learned that the hurricane would hit their area on Saturday or Sunday. Their flight was scheduled for Sunday. My daughter tried to get an earlier flight, but all of the flights were booked. My daughter watched the weather, not knowing where they would go if they couldn’t get their flight in time before the hurricane hit,” Bossert said.
Thankfully, they made it out in plenty of time.
“We were blessed in that the timing worked out for them to leave right before the hurricane and that the worst wasn’t in the area they expected. Others were not so lucky. As the grandma and mom of the two stuck in Disney, I felt helpless. We don’t know anyone in the area; so there was nothing I could do to help or suggestions I could make. Moms don’t like that feeling. If things had gotten really bad, I would have suggested checking with the nearest parish,” Bossert said.
However, not all were as fortunate, as many homes and loved ones were taken by this natural disaster. We keep all those affected in our prayers and hope for the safety of everyone in the line of destruction.