Front Row Frenzy

The few, the proud, the front row fans. The first line of defense against fellow sports loving supporters of opposing teams in high school sports. They are an elite group that passes down their glamour and cheerful skills to fellow enthusiasts. They are one, they are motivated, and they are dedicated for three simple, yet critical causes: to make so much noise that you can hear them from Pluto, to help lead our squad to glorious victory, and to cause confusion and dismay for the other team. These fans are the eye behind the storm, the strong wind behind a hurricane, and they are a rowdy set of motivational chicas and chicos who are always down to clown in the fan section.

Fan sections in high school sports allow people who might not be involved in athletics or many activities to have the chance to shine like the sun. They allow themselves to be part of something that has a history. When these kiddos in the fan section walk into the game, it is more than just a game between two athletic teams, it is a game between these diverse and goofy sets of students who are there to cheer on their team.

As with any group of people gathering for a purpose, we must have leaders, or in this case, directors. These directors include a diverse group of seniors who are brought together for a cause and effect. I myself am honorably the current jacket holder, which means I am the leader of the fan section, the chief of the tribe, but there are truthfully other great fans who assist me with these positive and fun endeavors. Colin Kenny, a St. Dominic senior who is one motivational asset in the stands, is called simply “the man” around these parts.

“My favorite part about being a front row fan is just going all out. Being as crazy dressed and loud as possible. Being loud in the stands is a personal pride. I always take pride in being able to out-cheer someone,” said Kenny.

Another guy who is as dedicated to the rowdiness as an athlete is to winning is Jake Woerther. On a Friday night you can find Jake front and center with the crew ready to wreak havoc on the other team.

“I look forward to the crazy themes, camaraderie, and how everyone is just brought together as one to make as much noise as possible. My future advice to any front row fans to come is just to go as all out on the themes as possible and never take one lightly,” said Woerther.

Courtney Abt, an idealistic female front row fan who is known for her her “rally deer,” is also a die hard cheerful enthusiast.

“The theme is very important. To get people there and rowdy, you have to give the other fans enough notice and a great theme. Also, never be shy. Being loud and getting everybody else involved is what makes the games fun,” said Abt.

She also accredits one of the themes of a former match-up between our bitter rival Duchesne for the well known deer idea.

“The Duchesne football game was hick themed so I thought ‘hey, I’ll bring a deer.’ After we blew Duchesne out of the water, I thought ‘hey, it worked! I’ll keep bringing it.’ After that it was just a given.”

The front row fans are just a group of young teens and adults brought together for a great cause for team and charity. It’s a brotherhood and a sisterhood, similar to that of a fraternity or sorority, for an absolutely stellar cause. There are some fine people who make this part of our elite athletics department and give the fans a little sweet taste of how sports should be enjoyed.