President Trump Moves On, Full Speed Ahead

Since the dust has settled around President Trump and the most recent Mueller report, clearing him of collusion and obstruction, our president intends to push a lot of legislation between now and the beginning of the election year.

A couple of the less controversial topics he intends to tackle are a bill for infrastructure, lowering the cost of prescription drugs and a deal between the U.S., Mexico and Canada. Though these topics are all in the interest of the American people, it is also fairly obvious to see these are bipartisan bills that the president is trying to pass in order to win back the Democrat votes he has lost.

One of the bigger topics that Trump wants to address that is certain to upset people is the revisitation of repealing the Affordable Care Act. President Trump is now relying on the courts to determine whether or not the insurance is unconstitutional and to get rid of the program. He has intentions to put in place a new program that he claims will be “far better” than the ACA. Time is ticking for the President, however, since we are roughly a year and a half out from the election season. In order for him to get a win before the end of his term, the courts will not only need to make a decision in a short time, but also be in his favor.

The other large topic that is still fresh on everyone’s mind is the topic of immigration. The President is nearing the completion of a revamped legal immigration system. While there hasn’t been anything released on the proposal, there is some word about there being an independent blue ribbon commission to help decide how many visas will go out and who is allowed to receive them. President Trump has stated in his State of the Union address that he does want people to come into our country, he just wants them to do it legally. With the reimagined immigration system he has been working on alongside his fellow party members, there is a chance that he could pull it off.

Now that the heat has turned down a bit on President Trump, his attention can now be focused on how to win the people back before the next election. Without the constant attention on him and the surrounding controversies on his election, our president intends to pull out big wins in order to have a better reputation when election time comes around again.
