Georgia Heartbeat Bill Saves Lives
On Saturday, March 30, a bill that would prevent the abortions of babies once a fetal heartbeat is detected was passed in Georgia.
Although several states have tried to pass similar bills, it is rare for such a bill to be passed. H.B 481, or the Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act could effectively ban the ending of babies’ lives at or after the time they are about six weeks old.
While we recognize the distinct and individual life of each child from the moment of conception and not starting with a heartbeat, H.B. 481 could nevertheless be a huge triumph for the pro-life movement and humanity in general that could prevent thousands of deaths.
On the other hand, abortion supporters are furious that this legislation has been passed. Georgia is the location of the filming of many movies, and Hollywood actors are already threatening to boycott the state in protest of this law, which would cost Georgia significant revenue.
An open letter to Georgia signed by 50 celebrities reads, “We can’t imagine being elected officials who had to say to their constituents, ‘I enacted a law that was so evil, it chased billions of dollars out of our state’s economy.’” However, H.B. 481 serves to fight a law so evil, it allows corporations to make millions of dollars off of the murder of children.
The passing of this law most likely means a long, hard battle against people and businesses who will try to overturn it. However, if this law is not overturned by people who reject the obvious humanity of children within the womb, it will save thousands of lives and should encourage us to keep fighting for the rights of the unborn at all ages and in all places.

Senior Maria Klassen is involved in theatre, choir and pro-life club. In her free time, she enjoys making to-do lists, smelling candles and playing music....