No Proposal, No Problem
This season of The Bachelor has been an emotional roller coaster with plenty of crazy twists and turns. But after nine weeks and thirty women, Colton finally met his match in a dramatic season finale like we have never seen before.
On Monday, Colton narrowed down thirty women to three, and by the end of the episode, he had narrowed it down to none. The episode started off with his final three dates. Colton had his date with Tayshia, which appeared to go well. Next, Colton was supposed to have his date with Cassie, which is where things started to get dramatic.
As Colton and Cassie talked on their date, Colton told everyone that not only was he in love with Cassie, but that she was the woman he wanted to be with at the end of the journey. Cassie burst into tears, telling Colton that she didn’t think she was ready and that she didn’t even know if she could get there. After a painful break up, Cassie ended up walking out, leaving both Colton and the audience heartbroken.
After Cassie walked out, Colton lost it. He stormed off set, hitting cameras away, taking off his mic and telling everyone he was done. He jumped an eight foot fence and ran into the dark countryside of Portugal. The crew and producers, along with host Chris Harrison, spent hours looking for Colton until they finally found him wandering the streets alone.
After Colton calmed down, he talked with Chris and told him he knew what he had to do. Colton chose to break up with both Tayshia and Hannah G. in two very emotional scenes. Both girls were blindsided and heartbroken as they started their trip home. Colton, however, wasn’t finished; it was time for him to go get the girl of his dreams.
Colton went to Cassie’s hotel, where he knocked on her door and professed his love for her. They talked for a long time, and after Colton told Cassie what he did for just a chance to be with her, her feelings seemed to change. Colton told her he was willing to take it slow and that he didn’t need an engagement at the end of the show; he was willing to wait and simply be dating her. Cassie agreed, and together they went to meet Colton’s family.
After meeting Colton’s family and continuing their new dating relationship, they appeared live for the first time since filming ended. The couple appeared to be overjoyed and in love. When asked about a proposal, the couple said that they had talked about it and that it was definitely in the future. With Colton and Cassie finding their happily ever after, it was time to announce the next bachelorette, Hannah B. Hannah met her first five men and even gave out her first rose to a contestant named Cam.
After a dramatic and emotional season, everyone is excited to see that Colton has finally found love. As Colton and Cassie’s season comes to a close and Hannah’s comes to a start, we want to wish them both luck. Hopefully there will be an engagement and a happy marriage in all of their futures.

Darby Duncan is a senior here at St. Dominic. She is involved in CRU, pro-life club, chamber choir and theater. She is also involved in softball, lacrosse...