Payton Eggering
The St. Dominic lacrosse program welcomes a new coach, our very own Mrs. Shannon Newton! Mrs. Newton started teaching social studies at St. Dominic this year, assisted Mr. Duncan in coaching softball first semester and has just taken over our Varsity girls lacrosse team.
Mrs. Newton has always been a coach, ever since she was in high school. Her love for coaching prompted her to take the position as head lacrosse coach.
“Coaching has always been something that I’ve been passionate about. I helped my dad and his team, and then moved on to my own team and coached collegiately,” Newton said.
According to Newton, coaching softball in the fall was a big boost in her desire to coach lacrosse. Seeing the girls around school and having those connections from softball encouraged Mrs. Newton to try something new.
“Lacrosse is something that I’m new to, but I’m excited. It’s been interesting trying to learn it, getting to learn it. The girls have been patient and wonderful, and I’m just excited about having my team and continuing to build those relationships,” Newton said.
Mrs. Newton has had all the support she needs to feel prepared and ready for the season.
“Coach Duncan was a big help and still is a big help. I have Mrs. Hayes as my mentor, and she’s been really great as well. She’s very patient, very welcoming [and] helpful. Just most of the faculty and staff have been great at checking in, making sure everything’s going okay for me.” Newton said.
Though this is her first time coaching lacrosse, she is ready for the season to start and to hopefully lead the girls for a successful season!