Surrounded By His Glory

St. Dominic is lucky to be surrounded by a multitude of faith opportunities. While everyone knows about all school mass and school-wide Reconciliation, St. Dominic offers so many more chances to grow in your faith on a weekly basis.

Morning Rosary

Every morning at 7:35 A.M. in the chapel, the rosary is prayed. Usually it is led by a student or teacher. It is a great way to bring God into your day. Mr. Winkelmann claims it brings him increased peace throughout the day.

After School Prayer

Every day after school, students, teachers and staff join together to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. This prayer is a great way to say sorry to God for any sins you may have committed throughout the day.

Monday Mass

Almost every Monday, Mass is held in the chapel during the first half of Empower Hour. This is a great way to start the week off with a bang because you literally get a glimpse of heaven every time the Eucharist is celebrated.

Tuesday and Thursday Reconciliation

Our chaplain, Father Nord, offers the sacrament of Reconciliation every Tuesday and Thursday during Breakfast Bar. This gives anyone who wants to partake in this sacrament of healing the opportunity to go outside of the two times we go as a school during the year.

Friday Eucharistic Adoration

Every Friday, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in our chapel during Empower Hour. This gives the St. Dominic community the chance give thanks and praise to God for all of the blessings he has given us. It is also a great way to relieve stress after a long, hard week.

Stations of the Cross

Every Friday during Lent, Viri Dei holds the stations of the cross in the Oak Grove. While this isn’t a year-long thing, it is worthy of your time once Lent arrives. It is also a great way to unite your personal sufferings to the suffering of Jesus on the cross.

Amazing Clubs

St. Dominic also has a variety of clubs that can help you grow closer to God. AD Bible Study Club meets every Wednesday during Empower Hour. Both Viri Dei and CRU are also great ways to grow as men and women of God. Fellowship of Christian Athletes periodically holds Bible studies during Empower Hour also.

St. Dominic makes it easy for everyone to create a more intimate relationship with Christ. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of these wonderful opportunities, because they will for sure help you get to Heaven. Also, remember to keep an eye on the bulletin for any time changes or cancellations.