A Setback for the Unborn, a Setback for America
Since the passing of Roe v. Wade, the pro-life movement has done a tremendous job raising awareness of the dignity of every human life. Rallies, social media platforms and organizations have all come together to promote a country where all life is recognized, valued and cared for; however, America just experienced a horrendous setback with enactment of the “Reproductive Health Act” in New York this past Tuesday.
On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill that legalizes abortions up until the day of birth if the mother’s health is at risk. This act replaces the state’s previous law that only permitted abortions up until week 24 of gestation. Along with this, the law now allows non-physicians to perform the abortion procedure.
“It’s bittersweet. There is bitterness because we shouldn’t be here in the first place. It’s about the health and safety of the mother,” Cuomo, who claims to be Catholic, said after the bill passed.
As if this was not horrific enough, Cuomo commemorated the new law by commanding state landmarks, including the World Trade Center, to be lit pink to “shine a bright light forward for the rest of the nation to follow.” Cuomo said that he hopes other states will follow in his direction and pass similar laws in the future.
New York currently has the highest abortion-to-birth rate in the country. In 2016, 598 abortions were performed for every 1,000 births. With the extended cut-off for abortions for “health purposes,” this number will only increase. And, while pregnancy centers are being wrongly accused of having unlicensed workers perform ultrasounds, New York is making it possible for non-physicians to perform abortions.
In the wake of this tragedy, pro-lifers have rightfully spoken up against the new law. Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York, took to his blog to respond to the tragedy that has occurred.
“This is ‘progressive’? All people have rights: the immigrant, the poor, the pregnant woman… and her baby,” Dolan said.
Robert P. George, an American scholar and political philosopher, also spoke up.
“The sheer inhumanity of applauding an act licensing and facilitating the killing of six, seven, eight, even nine month babies—babies who could be delivered and survive; babies with fully formed faces, eyelashes, fingernails; babies who hear and are familiar with their mother’s voice—turned my stomach. What kind of people are we?” George said.
The world is in need of pro-lifers more than ever. This act is not only detrimental to babies in the womb, but women throughout the country who are told that this is the only choice they have. While the movement has done amazing work to protect the dignity of all human life, this law is reminder of how far we still have to go.
We must pray for all women, government officials and the unborn right now. We need to use this tragedy as an opportunity to come together and raise awareness for the need to protect the youngest members of our world now more than ever before.

Emma Henke is a junior at St. Dominic. She is involved in Cross Country, Track, Band, Ambassadors, and Pro-Life club. In her free time, Emma likes to cuddle...