Pro-Livin’, Pro-Lovin’, Pro-Lifin’
Crusaders March for Life
This past weekend, 26 St. Dominic students and four St. Dominic staff members traveled to Washington, D.C., for the pro-life March for Life. This trip made a huge impact on all involved and helped St. Dominic students stand up for those without a voice.
The trip started with Mass at St. Cletus in the evening then was followed by an 18-hour bus ride where the students did anything and everything they could to entertain themselves. Luckily, the bus didn’t leave until around 9 o’clock, making it easy for everyone to sleep.
Once the students finally arrived, they checked into their hotel and got to explore the underground mall for a bit. Then it was finally time for their first night of programming. Programming started off with plenty of music and dancing and ended with a powerful adoration. In between, students got the chance to play games and hear speaker, Liz Miller, deliver a powerful presentation. She shared stories of multiple women, including herself, that were told they should simply abort their babies because having a child with health problems would only cause more issues in their lives. However, each of these women fought for their babies and ended up with little blessings from God. The message really showed what it means to be pro-life.

“My favorite part about the pro-life trip was programming because it was really cool to hear some inspiring talks, and it was awesome to see a ton of kids from all around St. Louis unite together for one sole purpose,” junior Cati Welby said.
The next day it was time for the march, but first Mass was held with Archbishop Carlson. During his homily, the Archbishop reminded everyone why they were gathered, to mourn the loss of over 60 million innocent children. He then reminded everyone that every abortion is more than a number; it is a tiny baby whose life was stolen and a mother who was injured in the process. After the moving Mass, it was time for the march.
St. Dominic students gathered together taking pictures, holding signs, singing and waiting for the march to begin. Finally it started, and thousands of people began walking to put an end to abortion. First-time marchers and returning marchers alike were amazed with the amount of people and the impact they were having.
“It was amazing. I was able to join with hundreds of thousands of people to walk for the same purpose. And hearing people speak about their own experiences moved me very much. I definitely would like to make this pilgrimage again next year!” sophomore Sophia Juergensmeyer said.
After the march, it was time for a little relaxing and then another night of awesome programming. Friday night’s programming consisted of more singing, dancing and games. The fun was followed by three students sharing their experiences and what being pro-life means to them, and finally another powerful talk, this time by Sister Bethany Madonna. She shared about how Jesus has made our hearts to love and that Jesus comes to meet us where we are.

The next morning, the students got ready to tour. Even with the government being shut down, the St. Dominic students made the most of their touring day. They each visited many sights, including the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam War Memorial and the White House. Touring day then came to an end with a trip to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, where Mass was held. The 2,500 St. Louis students heard one last closing message from Archbishop Carlson and then started their long drive home.
Overall, this trip impacted many students and adults alike. It helped them all to become closer to God and get a chance to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. The St. Dominic students helped make an impact in D.C. and will surely continue to make an impact here fighting for life in Missouri.

Darby Duncan is a senior here at St. Dominic. She is involved in CRU, pro-life club, chamber choir and theater. She is also involved in softball, lacrosse...