Into the Hearts of Everyone

Into the Hearts of Everyone

On December 14, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse hit theaters and won the hearts of audiences young and old. This movie has the heartbreak and humor that every Spider-Man origin story needs, with a fresh art style to top it off.

Miles Morales is a teenager from Brooklyn who has an admiration for Spider-Man and his good deeds. After being bitten by a radioactive spider similar to the one that bit Peter Parker, he starts gaining all of the same abilities as his favorite hero. After the antagonist, Wilson Fisk, has a malfunction with his particle accelerator that allows him to reach across parallel dimensions, five other spider-characters are pulled from their reality into Miles’s. It is up to Miles and his new group of friends to stop Fisk from going too far with the accelerator and to get everyone back to their correct dimension.

While this comic book-esque styled film may appear to be targeted towards kids, it has attracted an audience of both adults and kids.

“I thought this was gonna be a silly kids movie but it was actually incredible,” senior Kateri Koch said.

From the animation, to the soundtrack, to the humor within the movie, even huge Marvel fans are raving about the Sony adaptation of Miles Morales.

“What made me love this movie right from the get-go was the stylish comic book flair and animation style, which is fantastic in my opinion,” sophomore Charlie Wehde said.

One of the most unique aspects of this movie was how the plot not only talked about a spider-character that has yet to appear in a movie, but brought several others into play. There were a few that were made up for movie purposes; however, the introduction of Gwen Stacy helps the franchise to open up to more movies.

“Well it was Spider-Man, so that’s usually enough for me. However, all the different versions of Spider-Man on the same screen was something that’s never been done before and so that was really what made it awesome,” religion teacher and long-time Marvel fan Mr. Matt Winkelmann said.

This movie, while it may not be from Marvel Studios, did great justice to the Spider-Man franchise by putting one of the comic book characters that has yet to debut in the spotlight. The perfect soundtrack, along with the aesthetically pleasing animation style, put the origin story of Miles Morales into the hearts of all who watch it. Not only will this movie be a memorable one, the hints of sequels and spin-offs will make it impossible to forget.

Rating: 9.5/10