A Season of Preparation
As we enter into Christmas season, it is important to remember the reason for this holiday. Here are some different ways to prepare for Advent.
Advent Wreaths or Calendars:
Advent wreaths or calendars are great options to not only count down the days until we get to open gifts under the tree, but to truly prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. Each time you light a candle or open another daily box, think about what you’re actually counting down the days to—our Savior’s birth. These options are sure to get you excited and prepare your heart as the days draw nearer.
Adding in Christmas prayers:
Another way to enrich your personal Advent season is to add in daily devotionals or Christmas novenas. One option is the “O Antiphons of Advent,” consisting of seven days of short prayers between December 17 and December 23. Another option is “St. Andrew’s Christmas Novena.” This novena begins on St. Andrew’s feast day, November 30, which is right before the start of the Advent season. It consists of saying a short prayer 15 times daily in preparation for Christmas day. If 15 seems a bit extensive, strive for just once a day! Prayer is important in quality, rather than quantity. The links to both daily prayers can be found below.
Giving something up, or adding something in:
Many think the only time to give something up is during the season of Lent. However, sacrificing something or adding something into our routines is wonderful for our souls all year round! It can be small or big, whatever you think will be best for your faith journey. Not to mention it is only for 25 days rather than 40!
Lastly, reflection is one of the easiest and most fulfilling ways to prepare our hearts during this Advent season. Reflection is simply focusing on and thinking about the importance of something. During Advent, reflect on the coming birth of baby Jesus and what it means to you. In turn, ask that He will fill your heart with joy and remind you of all your blessings this Christmas.
These are just a few options to add into your routine and prepare spiritually for Christmas during these next coming weeks. This Advent season make sure to do whatever sets your soul on fire for Christ!
Links to Prayers:

Kayla Merkle is a senior this year at St. Dominic. She is involved in Peer Ministry, A.D. club, Ambassadors, and NAHS. Outside of school you can find her...