MCU = Mighty Crusaders Unite!

Crusaders are soaring with excitement for Marvel Club. MCU (Mighty Crusaders Unite) is a new club here at St. Dominic that is sure to have Marvel fans raving.

Marvel Club started when senior Kateri Koch, Mr. Matt Winkelmann and Mr. Noah Duncan struck a brilliant idea to create the club. The idea came to them after the movie Avengers: Infinity War came out. The three decided they wanted to share their love for Marvel movies with everyone.

“We would talk about it all the time and get excited about upcoming films in the future of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe),” said Mr. Winkelmann.

The club is a chance to watch old Marvel movies and dissect them for theories and interesting trivia. They can hash out rumors and speculations for the future that may or may not come true.

The club will also eagerly discuss and await the new movies, getting to form new friendships and have stimulating conversations about their obsession.

Don’t forget to join the Mighty Crusaders Unite Club for their next meeting. Any avid fan of the Marvel universe is welcome, and it is a great way to spend empower hour!