Delaney Wehde
Senior Jeremy Sutterer
St. Dominic senior Jeremy Sutterer is involved in as many things as his busy schedule allows, yet he manages to excel in every one of them.
There are many activities available to us here at St. Dominic. Most high schoolers tend to join maybe two or three clubs. Others, like Sutterer join as many as they possibly can.
Sutterer has managed to balance many clubs and sports such as the 11-3-1 Crusader Soccer team into his jam-packed schedule. While it looks great on a college resume to be very involved, there are many difficulties.
“I have to make a lot of sacrifices. Whether that’s free time, hanging out with friends or usually sleep to balance all that I do. Knowing that I am a part of many things and knowing that I have others counting on me helps me to power through,” said Sutterer.
Being heavily involved in school can be difficult, but Sutterer has still managed to find some fun time and pursue hobbies.
“Have you heard of Pogocat? Soon I will become a Pogocat master,” said Sutterer.
Sutterer’s life has changed from last year, as he is transitioning from taking the ACT and the SAT to now filling out and sending out college applications. He hopes for even more change in the future.
Sutterer is not set on what college he will attend next fall, but he would like to go into either engineering or medicine. Being involved in numerous clubs and taking some of the best classes available to St. Dominic students has really helped pave his path to his future endeavors.