Open Your Doors To Change
For most United States citizens, practicing the Christian faith is a comfortable right, but for many Christians around the world, it is a dangerous crime. With Christians around the world being persecuted in large numbers, organizations such as Open Doors USA look to help relieve their suffering.
When Christians in the United States think of religious persecution, they usually think of the early church. Many fail to realize just how modern religious persecution is. However, those who do understand the struggle that many Christians face know that it is not something that one person can conquer alone. So, how can you help?
The physical battle of religious persecution is almost always out of the reach of the average Christian. However, the spiritual battle is well within reach for all believers. We are the body of Christ, so we must pray for the conversion of those who attack Christians. While it is often hard to pray for our enemies, it is essential.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44)
St. Paul was a cruel persecutor of the early church. He had countless disciples killed for preaching the word of God. St. Paul converted and went on to become one of the biggest preachers of the gospel in all of history. Christians around the world should pray to St. Paul for his intercession in the conversion of religious persecutors around the world.
Christians in the United States are so blessed. While not every Christian has the ability to share money through charity, many still do. God calls those who have surplus to share their blessings with the less fortunate. Donating funds is a great way to help persecuted Christians indirectly.
“All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one’s need.” (Acts of the Apostles 2: 44-45)
The early church shared all of their gifts with one another so that no one was in need. We should do the same, so that no person in the world has to worry about attacks against their dignity or comfort.
Speak Up
Throughout history, people have banded together to fight oppression. Some of the greatest changes in society have arisen because of the voices of the oppressed and those who support them.
So how can your voice be heard? It’s simple; educate others about the topic. There are so many Christians and non Christians who would be willing to help this cause, but they simply don’t know about it.
It’s time to take action. Volunteer to talk to your local parishes. Bring it up in conversation. Spread awareness across your social media platforms. Do something! Don’t let religious persecution become an afterthought or a distant reality.
Even for the average person, there are numerous ways to make a difference in the world for those who need it. Visit to see what you can do to make a difference in the lives of those who suffer religious persecution in other countries.

Nick Bone is a senior at St. Dominic. He is involved in Peer Ministry, AD Club, varsity baseball and is the president of the Ambassadors club. In his free...