Robo-Captain Highlight

Mrs. Jennifer Martin has stepped in as this year’s Robotics club moderator. Although the moderator is a key part of Robotics, Mrs. Martin has created a multifaceted program that grants seniors Maddy Goeke, Amina Islam, Joey Gloriod, and Joshna Susai leadership over their teams.

Maddy Goeke

Goeke has been involved in Robotics since her freshman year and admits to joining due to her friends’ involvement. Her reason for staying has grown into how her experience in professionalism, leadership and friendship will help her later in life.

“One of FIRST’s (the program that runs robotics) biggest ideas is gracious professionalism. You’re helping everyone there with a smile on your face. It honestly makes completion so much more fun,” said Goeke.

Since Goeke has been involved so long, she helps the other team leads in teaching newcomers how the program works, though it is pretty new for everyone. Some things haven’t changed; however, like the need to apply for grants, team marketing, and outreach and service. With all these tasks, it could be a bit of a hassle to keep up with. Still, Goeke claims that those parts are minor compared to the design and building process before competitions.

“Designing and building is incredibly frustrating, nerve wracking and difficult, but when something you’ve been working on for weeks or even months gets on field and works, its amazing,” said Goeke.

Amina Islam

Islam has also been involved in Robotics since her freshman year, joining because at the time she wanted to be an engineer. When her career choice changed, she stayed for the fun of the club. So far this year, she has appreciated the new structure that has come with a new moderator.

“This year, we are making a lot of changes. The robotics program has a lot more structure, and we’re hoping to get a 3D printer. This would help a lot, as we would be able to make customized parts for our robot,” said Islam.

While Islam does not intend to be an engineer as she did her freshman year, her position as a team lead has still given her tools she will need later in life. As of now, she helps with supervising and teaching younger students as well as leading discussions to help improve upon what the program has done in the past.

“I hope that the problem-solving and cooperation skills I have learned will stay with me as I progress through my life,” said Islam.

Joey Gloriod

Gloriod’s involvement has also spanned his high school career. He has already applied to several colleges in hopes to become a chemical engineer, so he has taken advantage of the many opportunities the club has given him. His main job involves making sure the team is proficient in building the robots with the competitions coming up.

“We plan to turn our teams into a force to be reckoned with at competition with brand new mechanics and methods,” said Gloriod.

Robotics has been one of the many things Gloriod has utilized to help further his leadership skills that he will need in his career. Though his time management skills are demanded now between Robotics, theatre and schoolwork, he appreciates how the hard work pays off, just as it will later in life.

“The hardest part is definitely how taxing it is on my already busy schedule, but the excitement of competition makes up for it; Seeing our labor pay out on the playing field,” said Gloriod.

Joshna Susai

Susai’s experience has been very similar to that of her peers in how long she’s been involved and why she decided to. While she assists in teaching new students, she also does a lot of background involving the documentation needed for every meeting, as well as many other behind-the-scene roles.

“I am in charge of outreach, documenting what occurs during a meeting, and any business aspects like budgeting,” said Susai.

Most of her duties have to do with aspects that need to occur before competitions, including making sure that the teams are prepared. With the new structure of the club, they need a designated person to help with the new technology and supplies.

“I am looking forward to competing this year because we are more prepared than ever. I think we have a chance to maybe even get to state,” said Susai.

These four seniors are excited to dedicate their time to this amazing and new program, and they are eager to assist the new moderator, Mrs. Martin. Their kick off was this past Saturday, so the designing and engineering phase has begun. We wish Good luck to team Cerberus and team Fluffy!