Catie Poli, Staff Writer
With summer right around the corner, it is the perfect time to get into the best shape possible. The summer is a perfect time to work on your fitness, with the weather heating up and choices of fresh foods growing. There are a few easy things to learn about diet and exercise to ensure the healthiest summer of your life.
The first mistake people make when deciding to work on their fitness is considering themselves to be on a “diet,” meaning restrictions and rules. However, this should not be the case. Instead of thinking diet, think clean eating. You should be replacing items that you regularly eat that are not good for your health with foods that are more natural and fuel your body with needed nutrients. Here are a few ideas to help make an easy transition to healthy eating:
1. Many fruits are coming into their prime season during the summer. Use this to your advantage and try to incorporate a serving of fresh fruit into at least two of your meals. Fruit is perfect to cut a sweet craving and it will keep you from reaching for less healthy options like ice cream.
2. Vegetables are also perfect for the summer. Vegetables might not be everyone’s favorite thing to eat, but they are so important to your body’s overall health. Look up different ways to prepare and season vegetables, so it will no longer feel like a chore to eat them.
3. Don’t forget to eat your body’s needed amount of protein. A general rule for protein is to take your body weight, divide it by two and eat that many grams of protein in a day. It is important to eat protein to keep your energy high, keep you fuller longer and build your muscles.
It is no longer freezing outside, so it’s time to get outdoors. During the winter it is easy to fall out of a workout routine in favor of lying in your bed wrapped up in blankets. Now, there is no excuse to become active because the warm weather allows for so many ways to make it fun. Here are a few ideas on how to become more active this summer:
1. Take daily or bi-daily walks or jogs. This will get your heart rate up and speed up your metabolism. Not only are you improving your health, but you can enjoy all that your surroundings have to offer. If you don’t like the scenery of your neighborhood you can go to the nearest park! If you have a dog, you can make this even better by taking them along with you.
2. Swim laps at the pool. Most of us enjoy going to the pool during the summer. If you are already going to be there either to be in the water or to tan, you might as well incorporate a little exercise. Swimming laps is another way to easily get your heart rate up and it is not as strenuous as running. Take some friends along with you and the time will pass even quicker.
3. Take an outdoor yoga class. Taking a class like this gives you an option that not only improves your fitness and flexibility, but is also relaxing. Running and swimming are not the most fun things to do, so yoga might be the perfect option for you.
Summer being right around the corner does not mean that you have to totally change your lifestyle, but there are certainly a few fun and easy things to incorporate into your daily routine if you want to improve your health and fitness!