Class of 2019: Senior Expectations

As the school year starts and summer ends, the seniors are preparing for their final year. With the short nine months ahead of them, here are a few expectations from the senior class.

Lindsay Woltering
“I’m really excited for senior year honestly. I think it’s going to be super fun because we are the oldest ones and kind of rule the school. I feel like when you’re the oldest kids in school you just have more confidence and don’t care about what people think about you. I expect that the classes will probably be harder obviously, but I still feel like I’ll have a lot of fun in them. Classes have just become more fun over the years because all of us have become better friends. I’m mostly excited next year for my senior volleyball season. I really hope we have a close team atmosphere and are able to get to state again. Overall, I’m just excited to cherish every moment of next year since it’s our last one at St. Dom,” said Woltering.

Luke Pescarino
“Senior year will be a year to remember. There will be many lasts — my last football game as a Crusader, my last time bowling for the St. Dominic Bowling Club, and the last time I will ever pole vault. I look forward to spending as much time possible with my best friend, Doctor Matusiak. I am absolutely stoked for spring nights when I can barbecue and play bocce with the boys. We will be the big men on campus now. I look forward to taking over Viri Dei and continuing to live the life of a champion. God willing, peer ministry is something I also am looking forward to. Ten years from now, as I look back on the football state championship we won, I will never forget how excellent my senior year was,” said Pescarino.

Grace LeDoux
“I usually like to go into things open minded, so my main goal of senior year is to continue to get to know the amazing people at our school. Considering we are the biggest class at St. Dominic, it provides me with a great opportunity to be friends with people of all backgrounds and personalities. My main expectation of senior year is that it will be stressful and fun. Stressful because I will be applying for colleges and trying to get as many scholarships as possible. Fun because I will be enjoying my last year of high school with people I love, and experiencing many of my lasts at a place where I grew into the person I am today. I expect a hectic year filled with amazing memories that will last a lifetime,” said LeDoux.

Ryan Box
“I am very excited for senior year because there are so many opportunities and experiences that my classmates and I will be able to share together. I am so ready to bring home St. Dominic soccer a boys state championship and to witness that moment with my teammates. To lead the school with peer ministry and to uphold the honor, while continuing Mr. Doerr’s Viri Dei legacy, are the two experiences I look forward to the most. It will be interesting to see where God is calling all of my classmates to college and to enjoy our final days of high school,” said Box.

Jenika Hazelbaker

“I am very excited for senior year! I want to enjoy my last year with all of my friends and not take anything for granted because I know how much I will miss St. Dominic once I leave. I will definitely go to lots of sports games and take advantage of senior privilege. I have high hopes that girls field hockey will make it to state next year as well,” said Hazelbaker.

Nathan Hakenewerth
“I have some very high hopes for senior year. For one, I am very excited for next years’ classes because I have even more freedom with classes. I am also looking forward to leaving early from study hall with my senior privilege. Also, being able to be student body President will also fun and will be a great learning experience, and will give me an opportunity to be able to listen to the students and make changes according to what they want. I’m also excited for Bowling Club to start back up so I can win the lowest bowler award for the second year in a row. Overall, senior year seems pretty cool and I am excited for all the new things it has to offer,” said Hakenewerth.

As the start of school commences, the seniors are already taking charge. With many senior year expectations, their final year as a St.Dominic family will hopefully be the best one yet!