They Never Thought They Would Do This at SDHS
Entering high school as a little freshman can be scary; you have no idea what’s going to happen or who you’re going to be friends with. However, for the most part you have an idea of what you’ll be doing. Some seniors looked back on their years at St. Dominic and realized they never imagined doing some of the things they did in high school.
“I never thought that I would get blindfolded and then kissed by my mother at a pep rally,” said senior Max Sengl.
“Going through secret tunnels during summer work study and also seeing the relic of Saint Dominic stored in a back room that most people don’t know about,” said senior Grace Patton.
“Getting out of the middle of my college chemistry class, putting myself in a box, having Paul Schneider push me to Mr. Margadonna’s room while he was having class, and sitting there for five minutes. After the five minutes I busted out of the box and ran away,” said senior Blake Kuester.
“One would be singing karaoke in the PAC during Catholic Schools Week and the other would be jumping on bouncy houses in the parking lot,” said senior Megan Carey.
“I thought an intruder drill was real and started cussing a lot,” said senior Connor Sinnard.
“In high school, I never thought I would become a Eucharistic Minister. I had always seen people just a little bit older than me doing it but I never thought of myself as taking on this big responsibility. I am glad I did though because my relationship with God has grown because of it,” said senior Justin Haberberger.
“I never thought I would play an intense game of life or death dodgeball with Mr. Margadonna, but that happened,” said senior Gabe Hollowell.
“I never thought I’d hop in an empty trash can and roll around the mezzanine and do scooter races down the connector ramps,” said senior Julie Minicky.
“Well, I never thought that I would have to wear the Crusader mascot costume for a few service hours, but Mrs. Eaton needed someone to do it for an open house and I volunteered,” said senior Nathan Mueller.
For myself, I never thought I would ever put a cardboard cutout in Mr. Struttmann’s room, or that I’d ever jam to “Hoedown Throwdown” in Mr. Duncan’s car on the way to Kairos. I also never thought Mr. Duncan would watch me epicly fail to parallel park my car, and then have to park it for me.
St. Dominic has given us so many quirky and memorable moments during our time here. Looking back on them as a senior makes me realize how blessed I’ve been to have gone to this school and met all of the people I did. I want to encourage all of the juniors and underclassman not to take advantage of the opportunities that allow you to meet and grow closer with the St. Dominic community. SDHS has given me memories I will keep with me forever.

Caitlin is a senior at St. Dominic High School. She is involved in Pro-Life Club, A.D., CRU and is a part of the tennis and track teams. Whenever she is...