Now’s the Time

2014 Alums

The seniors recently received an interesting insight into college life after five 2014 alums came back to not only give advice, but to share stories of college and all it has to offer. While second semester has just begun, SDHS seniors are getting ready for college, obtaining scholarships and trying to bring their ACT scores even higher.

Many seniors are looking forward to college for a new life, new friends and new opportunities. Despite the friendships grown over the years, most are ready to break free from high school life, and specifically, the school itself.

“I’m going to miss being familiar, having the same faces and routines that I’ve had since I was a freshman. I’m comfortable here and taking the next step of going to college is starting the process over again. But on the same note it starts a whole new chapter of my life… it’s exciting,” said Evan Heinrich.

“I’m extremely excited to go to the university and meet some new lads and gals on the block, a fresh social environment, and playing high grade soccer at a phenomenal school,” said Collin Wynn.

Seniors may have figured out which college they plan on attending, but most still have a lot of questions:

“Does the college offer the type of classes that meet the type of profession I want to major in?”

“Will I stick with my major and not change it halfway through the process?”

“If it is really what I want to do in life, will I be making the money I want to make?”

“Is it a job that suits me the best?”

These kinds of questions are important for seniors to ask themselves. College is right around the corner.

Seniors should be looking for more scholarship opportunities as well. There are many scholarships that people don’t even know about.

Mrs. Bodlovich
Mrs. Bodlovich

Fortunately, there is still plenty of time left to start applying.

Mrs. Bodlovich

If any seniors are curious about what types of scholarships are available, Mrs. Bodlovich sends out emails regarding scholarship opportunities. Start applying for as many as possible!

While many seniors have already taken the ACT, it is important for them to consider raising their scores for the scholarship opportunities available.

“Colleges require the ACT because they need a universal standard to compare students’ abilities. It may not be the best system, but when you are talking about thousands of high school students from thousands of high schools, it is difficult to measure just by GPA. The ACT is what is used to level the playing field so to speak,” said Mrs. Bodlovich.