Things I Didn’t Realize I’d Miss
When you are going through the motions, it’s hard to realize how small things can mean so much. The most important advice I can give to underclassmen is this: enjoy the little things. Those are what really matter when you look back through your memories. Here are just a few of the small things I know I’ll miss after graduation.
Our Lovely Cafeteria
Anyone who owns a television has seen how the media depicts the cafeteria. The food is disgusting, everything from green meatloaf to raw burgers, and the lunch ladies have a look of hate in their eyes that is indescribable. This is one of many stereotypes Dominic has steered clear of. No one can argue that even the worst days can’t be saved by a classic cafeteria cookie, and don’t even get me started on the deep-fried mac and cheese. On top of the food, we have some of the sweetest lunch ladies a school could dream of. They always give you an encouraging smile and a “have a good day,” even if you’re using a 20 to pay for a drink. Sorry to break it to those who don’t know, but college food is gross. Say goodbye to the days of gooey cookies and deep-fried masterpieces, and hello to the days of green meatloaf and lots of ramen.
Impromptu Fro-Yo Trips
Eight hour days can be long, and hard. Moving from class to class, with little break in between. The day drags on and on until finally the final bell rings and you jump in joy. You round the corner and see a friend asking, “Wanna go get food?” The stress of the day is lifted off of your shoulders as your laughter fills the fast food joint. You didn’t expect to do anything fun, but it was just what the doctor ordered.
Late (late) Night Rehearsals
Any high schooler can tell you the pain of late (late) night rehearsals, practices, games or competitions. As a theatre connoisseur, I am going to miss rehearsing until late in the evening. The exhaustion piles up as you go over the scene just one more time, knowing you still have loads of homework to do. Then, when rehearsal is finally over, you check your clock and realize it is way past your bedtime. It’s painful, yes, but you push through it and realize just how happy you are just to be participating in such an amazing team. Let’s be honest—some of the best stories are born after 9pm! Sure, there will be late nights in college, but most college kids can get away with sleeping until noon.
High School Hangouts
There is very little to do in O’Fallon, Missouri, like very little. Unless you find a park, your best bet is fast food. Every group has their go-to spot, for me it was Dairy Queen. Theatre kids would take any opportunity, and I mean any, to carpool to the Bryan Road Dairy Queen and load up on sugar. It didn’t matter if it was twelve-thirty on a half day or nine-thirty after rehearsal, we were there. Dairy Queen became a home for me and my friends—we really ate nothing else. It is a truly amazing feeling to know you and your friends will always have a booth ready for your arrival. Some of my favorite memories occured right in the booth at Dairy Queen. It serves as a gentle reminder that you don’t need anything glamorous to have a good time. Just a booth, greasy food and great friends.
Hallway Friends
Over the last five years, the seniors have found their groups and made connections that will last a lifetime. You’ll never forget your friend group, and you will do everything you can to keep in touch with your close friends. What about everyone else you pass in the hallways everyday? I like to use the term “hallway friends.” They’re those people who you may not hang out with on the weekends, but you say hi every time you see them in the hallway, or you sit next to them in Geometry and have loads of fun. It would be impossible to keep up with all of these people because there are just so many. These people touch your life everyday, and it’s hard to believe they won’t be able to after graduation. As small as a friendship may be, it’s still a friendship. That’s what I’m going to miss the most. I’m going to miss the connections I’ve made, and every single person who has come into my life during these high school years.
The last four years have dragged on, yet somehow also whizzed by. It is impossible to think that in just over a week we will be graduating and moving on to whatever is next. High school has taught me that it is so easy for the little things to become the big things, so enjoy every moment, because you don’t want to miss a thing.

Rose Stout is a senior at St. Dominic High School. She works off and on stage for every show, leads the robotics media and sings in the chamber choir....