Hitting Success One Note at a Time

The St. Dominic choir and bands swept away the competition this past weekend at their competition in Branson, taking first in every category. Jazz Band scored an 86.25, Concert Band scored a 91 and Concert Choir scored a 97, all out of 100.

After a short visit to Missouri State to meet with music professors, the band and choir took off to Branson! Competition day started with an early morning as they piled on to the bus at 7:30. After meticulous warmups, the bands and choir blew the judges away with their performances. Sophomore Maria Klassen earned an award for student accompanist.

“I didn’t even know it was an award, so I was very surprised when they said my name! I love playing the piano and I love accompanying the choir so it felt really rewarding to win an award for doing something that I enjoy so much,” said sophomore Maria Klassen.

The Jazz Band followed with a spectacular performance, including solos by Jonah Bergman, Luke Juergensmeyer and Wyatt Forhan. Forhan left the judges speechless after switching from a drum to a trombone, earning him the solo award.

Concert band gave the judges one more wonderful St. Dominic performance. They surprised the judges with even more solos by Brynn Forhan, Ben Ducharme, Andrea Ducharme and Kateri Koch. The band performed 2 spectacular songs, earning St. Dominic’s third first-place trophy.

At the award ceremony St. Dominic flew out of their seats six different times, ecstatic at their success! They not only earned first in every possible category, but Concert Band and Concert Choir also won overall awards. The teams also won what most consider the best award, the Esprit de Corps. This award has nothing to so with a school’s performance, but instead their behavior and sportsmanship.  

“I feel amazing about our success! When he said our name I was jumping and screaming more than I probably should have. But our hard work definitely paid off,” said junior Jackie Lang.

The seniors left the music trip with a bittersweet feeling, knowing they were going to miss the long bus rides, late nights and early mornings. They made so many amazing memories they wouldn’t trade for the world.

“It’s sad leaving, but I’m glad we get to leave on such a high note. I’m so glad I was a part of this department for the last four years. We all work really hard, and everyone really cares about making the performance the best it can be, which is really amazing,” said senior Kaitlyn Pepper.

The choir and bands wowed many this weekend, earning high scores and happy faces. They came home with not only one, but six trophies! It is amazing what determined and talented teens can make happen!